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Dear NCRC Family,

NCRC was founded three decades ago with one central mission: to empower everyone--especially marginalized communities--to build wealth.

This holiday season, we want to recenter the poor and most marginalized in our stories and work. Our vision of economic justice leaves no one out, and lifts up those who for so long have been sidelined through discrimination in lending, predatory bank practices and structural racism.

But big battles over how much discrimination banks can get away with await us in early 2020. 

The Trump Administration has just proposed dangerous changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), a vital civil rights statute passed in 1977 to end discrimination known as redlining. CRA requires banks to meet the credit needs of the communities where they do business. While discrimination in lending is still a problem, these proposed changes would substantially weaken the law, potentially setting us back decades.

We can’t let that happen, and we’ll need your help. In the new year, you’ll be hearing from us about how you can fight back against the administration’s reckless, racist proposal. Especially this time of year, let’s all recommit to not letting the poor bear the burden of yet another cruel and punishing Trump Administration policy.

We wish you and those you love a restful, happy, healthy holiday. Thank you for championing economic justice and we’ll see you in the New Year.

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