Hi John,
Child marriage and gender inequality were considered the norm in my family’s native country of Ethiopia. As I grew increasingly more aware of the various sexual and reproductive issues that plagued my culture, my desire to alleviate these issues grew as well. Despite this, I didn’t know how I would be able to make a difference.
Then I joined the International Youth Leadership Council at Advocates for Youth, a group of DC-based college students that advocates for the rights of young people worldwide in U.S. foreign policy and international policy. I went to their Urban Retreat and spent four days training intensively on issues, policy, and effective strategies to create change. I emerged with new skills and the support of an expert staff and an entire movement of youth activists like me. And with the inspiration to start my own movement.
That’s why on October 11, the International Day of the Girl, I organized my fellow students at American University to go to Congress and speak about HR 7055, the Keeping Girls in School Act. Over 30 students from American University and other colleges in the D.C. area joined me in calling on Senators and Representatives to support this important legislation.
Donate today to help youth activists like me.
As an American college student, I have opportunities that young women who faced early or forced marriage will never have. That is why taking action on the Keeping Girls in School Act is so important to me. We need to support young women around the world in the fight for education, health and autonomy.
Training and supporting youth to get involved in their communities and speak up for what they believe in is not only a critical aspect of helping them develop into influential leaders, but it’s also an important part of bringing about lasting change. Young people have the ability to be the driving force behind the end of issues like child marriages or genital mutilation.
By getting involved in activism for sexual and reproductive rights, we are helping influence the decisions that will affect us tomorrow and voicing the concerns of those who can’t.
Advocates for Youth continues to be critical to my development as an activist. Donate today so Advocates can keep building with activists like me.
International Youth Leadership Council
Advocates for Youth