Hey john, 

I just wrapped up an important meeting with my finance team, and they gave me some bad news: It looks like we’re going to miss our critical end-of-quarter fundraising goal. 

It’s important that we hit this fundraising goal in order to keep our ads on air for the last week of this campaign — it’s a critical part of our strategy to win, and we can’t afford to fall short.

We just got word that the Republican Attorney General Association is going up with their own ads soon, and it would be a disaster to let them attack me on the airwaves without fighting back.

So I’m shooting you a quick email because I’ll be honest, I’m getting nervous about this deadline. We haven’t given up hope yet, because we still have 24 hours to turn this around. But I’m counting on your support now more than ever. 

john, can you pitch in whatever you feel is right before our final end-of-quarter deadline of the election? Here’s a personal link for you to use: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/adf-em-sept2022?

Thanks so much, 


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