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Vegan-Strong Athlete Series - New video
The latest installment in our Vegan-Strong Athlete Series features one of the world’s leading rock climbers, Steph Davis. In this video, Steph discusses her almost accidental adoption of a vegan diet, the performance benefits she gained, and how the diet change also led her to increased awareness of the violence and suffering of animal agriculture. As Steph says in the video, “[T]he first thing I read [about animal agriculture], I was in tears. …Once I see this…honestly, I don’t even care if I climbed harder or not. I could never support this.” Steph has shared the video on her social media channels, and we’d love it if you would do the same! Check out our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok posts–share and spread the word.
You can best help animals by switching to a
vegan diet today.
Click here to download our free Vegan Starter Guide
Learn more about Prop 12 before the
Supreme Court hearing

On October 11, the pork industry’s challenge to California’s Proposition 12 will be heard by the Supreme Court. Prop 12 requires that all eggs, veal, and pork produced and/or sold in the state comply with basic minimal space requirements to enable animals to have enough room to spread their wings or limbs and turn around. Animal Outlook and other animal advocacy groups have intervened in the case to help defend the law. We’ve prepared a summary about the case and what’s at stake, for both farmed animals and for voters. This summary also features a comprehensive timeline, covering nearly 25 years of investigations and laws limiting intensive confinement in animal ag. Check it out and learn how our long term efforts have made the pork industry want to fight us all the way to the Supreme Court. 

While Prop 12 is a strong reminder of the public opposition to animal cruelty, we have seen the way the pork industry operates on cruelty. The only way to eliminate cruelty to farmed animals is to remove them from your plate. For information on adopting a vegan diet visit TryVeg for recipes and tips. 
Update on Maine Aquaculture Petition
We recently told you about our petition, signed by more than 150 registered Maine voters, to Maine’s Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry (DACF), which requires DACF to apply Maine’s animal cruelty laws to the state’s booming aquaculture industry. The petition stemmed from our 2019 investigation, the first-ever undercover exposé of a U.S. salmon aquaculture operation. The Animal Welfare Program (AWP) of DACF responded indicating it has no intention of complying with the law; we have replied, reminding AWP that it must. As our Senior Director of Legal Advocacy, Piper Hoffman, told the Spectrum News, "[AWP] is defying both the voters and the legislature, which instructed AWP to protect fish from cruelty in aquaculture. Animal Outlook is prepared to bring the force of that law to bear if AWP continues insisting that it is above the law." Read the full article here.

Stand up against cruelty to fish. Try a vegan version of this Salmon Poke Bowl.
Animal Outlook is speaking at the
Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit

Next month, Animal Outlook will head to Washington, DC. for the Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit (AVA). Three of our program directors will be speaking–Animal Outlook’s Deputy Director of Investigations Erin Wing, Farm Transitions Program Director T.J. Bradford, and Senior Director Legal Advocacy Piper Hoffman. We’re excited to join hundreds of animal advocates to share ideas, knowledge, and inspiration about how to best change the world for animals. Register now - we’d love to see you there.
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From vegan outreach to legal advocacy, Animal Outlook’s work is only possible with your support. Donate now to help protect farmed animals.
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