Islamists have truly won the narrative
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News Analysis
US Public School Teacher Threatens Muslim Girl for Taking Off Hijab ([link removed]) Read the story in the girl's own words Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Hanukkah Greetings to Jews From ... Who??! ([link removed]) You will be surprisedRead and Share ([link removed])
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Berkeley Students Set Up Shrine to Palestinian Terrorists ([link removed]) Since when are killers glorified at American universities? Read ([link removed])
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NY Muslim Patrol Bullies Get Bullied Back by the Bloods ([link removed]) The patrol runs afoul of a violent street gang Read ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Mother of San Bernardino Terrorist Fights Justice Dept. to Collect Cash ([link removed])
“What a family. I didn’t think insurance paid for acts of terrorism. Especially if the insured is a terrorist.”
- T.T.
Saudi Student in New Mexico Arrested With Handgun & Hit List ([link removed])
“When will we ever learn the lessons of our American history and move to correct these foolish/suicidal errors? ”
- A.C.
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