Today, I have an urgent request: Will you donate just $4 to my campaign with just 40 days until Election Day?
Yes. I said $4.
$4 to help me defeat the only Senator on the ballot this year who voted to overturn the 2020 election, and bring accountability to the U.S. Senate.
$4 to elect a Senator who will defend our democracy, protect voting rights, and do whatever it takes to deliver results for Louisiana families.
$4 to invest in every campaign resource we can to reach voters across Louisiana: From text messages to phone calls, advertising, door knocking, and everything else in between.
Now, I know you’re probably thinking, “will $4 really make an impact?”
You bet! With just 40 days until Election Day, every donation fuels our campaign, helps reach new voters, and pays our hardworking staff. Above all, the more supporters who contribute to our movement, the stronger our grassroots coalition becomes.
So I'll ask again. With just 40 days left, can I count on you to chip in just $4 ahead of our LAST quarterly fundraising deadline before the election?
DONATE $4 >>
Thanks for your support,
Luke Mixon

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