Join us in Birmingham at Conservative Party Conference from 3rd - 4th October


All of our events are free to attend and you don’t need to register, but you do need to have a pass to the conference secure zone

The young have suffered from stagnant wage growth since the 2008 financial crisis and rapidly rising house prices. They now also pay far more in tax than they did 10 years ago, and are far behind previous generations in home and asset ownership. The pandemic will have exacerbated this; educational opportunities have diminished, early career opportunities have been curtailed and social freedoms have been curbed. This is to say nothing of the fact that the burden of paying for the pandemic will fall on the young, who will likely be doing so for their entire lives. 

The Adam Smith Institute is researching the underlying causes of intergenerational unfairness and the Government’s approach to supporting the prosperity of the younger working population. 

At Conservative Party Conference, we will discuss policies that can boost opportunities for young people, renewing aspiration as a core value of the Conservative Party.  


Rt Hon Mark Harper MP
Aria Babu, The Entrepreneurs Network
John Ashmore, CapX
James Dickson, Commentator
John Macdonald, ASI (Chair)

Monday 3rd October
10:30 - 12:00
Fortissimo Suite, Hyatt

Shut the Backdoor: Redrafting the Online Safety Bill:

The Online Safety Bill presents a threat to online privacy and the operation of the Internet as we know it. Countless lawyers, civil rights groups, and regulators have raised concerns about the Bill’s broad and legally vague language. Not only does it attempt to regulate ‘legal but harmful’ speech online, but it also opens the door for the Government to compel violation of end to end encryption, damaging the underlying structure that underpins our experience online. 

In this panel, we examine the ways in which the Online Safety Bill should be redrafted to remove the most restrictive policies in order to maintain free speech and protect our online rights.


Professor Ross Anderson, Cambridge University
Graham Smith, Bird & Bird LLP
Sam Ashworth-Hayes, freelance journalist
Jun Pang, Liberty
Emily Fielder, ASI (chair)

Monday 3rd October
15:30 - 17:00
Andante Suite, Hyatt

Prioritisation: Delivering for the people of the UK:

A new Government has the opportunity to reset and re-evaluate their priorities. After years of acute challenges and decades of stagnant growth, it’s important that the new Government focuses their agenda, streamlines government and the civil service, and delivers for the people of the UK.

At Conservative Party Conference, we will discuss recent Adam Smith Institute polling, calling for the Government to concentrate on a few key priorities that matter to the British public, as opposed to pursuing pet projects and hobby horses. This would involve going into Government departments and setting highly focused legislative agendas, working on policies that are of greatest importance to the electorate.

Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP
James Johnson, J.L. Partners
Alys Denby, CapX
Tom Harwood, GB News
Morgan Schondelmeier, ASI (Chair)

Tuesday 4th October
13:00 - 14:30
Dolce Suite, Hyatt

All of our events are within the secure zone at the Hyatt Regency Birmingham. The rooms are highlighted on the map of the first floor here:

We hope to see you there!

We need your support...

We know that times are tough, so it’s strange to come to you and ask for support. But we also know that we have more than ever to do –– whether that’s fighting to reduce the cost of living, encouraging a stable post-covid recovery, or enabling the next generation to take up this mantle. We don't take any money from government and rely entirely on donations from our friends. That’s why we’re asking that –– if you’re able –– you contribute to our work to help us. Truly, every little bit counts.

Donate to the Adam Smith Research Trust
Adam Smith Institute
23 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3BL, United Kingdom

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