
How many times have we seen corrupt politicians make money off our backs?

Not when I get to Congress. I’ll fight to stop corruption in its tracks.

  1. Term Limits. Term limits of no more than two terms in the Senate and three terms in the House.
  2. Increase Ethics Fines. Increase the punishment for Congressional ethics violations related to financial disclosures to a minimum of $5,000 per violation.
  3. Stop Conflicts of Interest. Ban contributions to members of Congress from entities under committee jurisdiction.
  4. Stop the Revolving Door. Extending the lobbying ban for former members of Congress to five years.

If you’re like me, you’re tired of the same old politicians taking advantage of taxpayers. Send a message to Washington – send a Green Beret to clean up Washington.

On to Victory!


PS – We need your help to finish strong! Would you consider donating $50, $100 or even $500 today?