The average donation is about $30.
Dear John,
Tomorrow, September 30th is the last fundraising deadline before the election. We're gonna use your donations to support more than 30 candidates for office... with postcards, doorcards, textbanking, Facebook ads, campaign webpages, cash, candidate training, and more -- a real "campaign in a box."
Best of all: if we raise more than we need, we'll roll it into our crucial 2024 strategy. You can donate before the September 30 deadline, by clicking on this sentence.
We wouldn't have come this far without you. If you can pitch-in again financially, we would sure appreciate it. If you can give your time and effort instead, we need that too (just click reply to this email). And if you find yourself at your wit's end, unable to give anything right now, we appreciate that too. Rest up. There will always be a place for you in this movement.
In solidarity,
Stephen Smith
WV Can't Wait Co-Chair

WV Can't Wait is a movement to win a people's government in the Mountain State. For more information, visit