Hi John,

For the Jewish community, this week marks the start of a new year. I spent Rosh Hashanah with family and friends, sharing hope for a year filled with the blessings of health, healing, and unity. Shana Tova to all who celebrate!

Meanwhile, from passing a series of public safety bills to honoring fallen firefighters, and from protecting free and fair elections to bringing a Minnesota family's bill idea to life, last week was both busy and productive. Read on for updates on all of that and more! 

Justice, Safety, and Security for ALL

Every Minnesotan deserves to enjoy the same sense of safety and security at home and in their community as most of us here in the Third District do. To achieve that, we need to ensure law enforcement has the training, equipment, and resources to do their jobs safely, effectively, and compassionately. That's why I helped lead the effort to pass four bills - last week - the Invest to Protect Act, the Mental Health Justice Act, the Break the Cycle of Violence Act, and the VICTIM Act – to support law enforcement, reduce violence, and increase public safety all across America. 


I was particularly proud to help pass the Invest to Protect Act, which was spearheaded by the Problem Solvers Caucus and supported by every member of the Minnesota delegation in the U.S. House, both Democrats and Republicans. This bipartisan bill supports police departments with fewer than 125 officers by investing in de-escalation, mental health, and domestic violence response training; body cameras; continuing education; and hiring and retention. In addition to having the support of the entire delegation, the bill was endorsed by state and national law enforcement associations.

While I was disappointed my Pathways to Policing Act was not included in this package, I remain as committed as ever to getting it to a vote in the House, as it is critical to repopulating our police departments with a diverse new generation of principled public servants. In the meantime, these initiatives will enhance public safety in our communities and help ensure that police officers have the training, tools, and support necessary to do their jobs safely and effectively – and I hope the Senate takes them up soon.

Honoring Fallen Firefighters

As a Gold Star Son, I understand the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform as well as their families. On what happened to be Gold Star Mothers and Families day, I was honored to pay tribute to Minnesota firefighters who died in the line of duty at the annual Fallen Firefighter Ceremony at the State Capitol, where 11 new names were added to the memorial. I have so much gratitude for all the brave men and women who risk their lives for our safety, rushing towards danger without a thought as to the race, gender, or political views of the person in need of help. May we honor the memories of the fallen by showing gratitude for our first responders and recommitting ourselves to that same sense of selfless service to community.

I was honored to offer remarks at the Fallen Firefighter Memorial Ceremony to pay tribute to the 241 Minnesota firefighters who have died in the line of duty – including the 11 fallen heroes whose names were added this year.

Voting to Safeguard Elections 

Voting is the most vital form of political speech, and we must do everything possible to ensure our elections are safe, secure, accessible, and fair. When the Electoral Count Act was signed into law over 100 years ago, no one could have envisioned how its language would be twisted in an anti-democratic effort to prevent the certification of a lawfully elected president. That's why I was proud to vote for and help pass H.R. 8873, the Presidential Election Reform Act in the House last week. This important, bipartisan legislation aims to modernize and clarify the process for counting votes in a presidential election to ensure that Congress carries out this duty as required by the Constitution in order to prevent a repeat of the events of January 6, 2021.

Restoring Americans’ faith in our government requires collaboration and thoughtful compromise, but when it comes to protecting the foundations of American democracy there is no middle ground. Our democratic republic depends on those who speak the truth and demonstrate political courage when we need it most. I am inspired by those who have done so, and I hope more will join them in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

AQUA Alert Act

When casual boaters, kayakers, beach visitors, or those who live near water go missing, the Coast Guard sends notifications out over radio, but this system is antiquated and does not take advantage of new technologies which could help save lives. To address that, I introduced H.R. 8541, the AQUA  Alert Act, which was inspired by the Schink family of Champlin, Minnesota who lost their loved one, David Schink, after he went missing while kayaking in Florida.


Play Button

Click here to listen to the Schink family's story and learn more about how I'm converting listening to action in Washington.

Specifically, this legislation requires the Coast Guard to establish a pilot program for AMBER Alert-style alerts when an individual goes missing at sea, in floods, or any waters over which the U.S. has jurisdiction - boosting the likelihood that members of the public can assist in safe recovery. It's time we turn this tragedy into action, and help ensure this doesn't happen to other Minnesota families – or any family nationwide. I’m proud to report that the AQUA Alert Act passed the House in this year’s national defense spending bill, known as the NDAA, and I am hopeful it will be passed by the Senate very soon.

Keep the faith and keep in touch,


Dean Phillips
Member of Congress


Bill of the Week

✔️ H.R. 8265, the TEAM Volunteers Act

From delivering meals to helping those in need, volunteer drivers donate their time and resources to play vital role for our communities and entire state. That's why I am a proud cosponsor of H.R. 8265, the TEAM Volunteers Act, which would increase the charitable mileage reimbursement rate from $0.14 to $0.625 per mile for a 2-year period in order to address the financial burden that rising gas prices and inflationary pressures have placed on volunteer drivers.


                                        Resources For You

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  1. Register to vote: Democracy doesn’t work without engaged citizens like you. Registering to vote in Minnesota is simple and secure. Check your registration status, see who is on your ballot, and make a plan to vote at MNvotes.org.
  2. Find savings near you: From gas to groceries, and childcare to healthcare, I’m hearing from Minnesotans who are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of essentials. Visit phillips.house.gov/inflation to find lower prices near you.
  3. Nominate a Vietnam-era veteran: As a Gold Star Son and Member of Congress, I’m honoring Vietnam-era veterans in our area. Visit phillips.house.gov/Vietnam to nominate the veteran in your life for an official commemoration. 
  4. Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.
  5. Get your FDA-approved bivalent booster shot: Your decision to get a safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccine impacts our entire community. Everyone 12+ is eligible for the new booster, so visit https://mn.gov/booster to find yours.
  6. Service Academy Information Night: My staff will be hosting a U.S. Service Academies Information Night, students and families will be able to learn more about the academy experience and the nominations process as well. Click here for more information
  7. Donuts with Dean: Welcoming Minnesotans to Washington is one of my favorite parts of this job. Let my office know if you'll be traveling to Washington, we'd love the opportunity share some conversation, and donuts, next time you’re in town!  

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