Advent Daily Reflections Header


Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent

Readings of the Day


Today’s readings are centered around John the Baptist. The first reading from Malachi prophesizes that there will be a “messenger to prepare the way,” which we see as John in the New Testament. In the Gospel, we encounter a scene of pure joy as John is welcomed into the world. Elizabeth gives birth after a long and doubtful journey, and her husband, Zechariah, is miraculously healed when he proclaims John’s name. All those around them wonder who this child might be, because “surely the hand of the Lord was with him” (Luke 1:66).

At Catholic Charities, we prepare the way for our clients into healing, empowerment, and stability. We know that we are only the hands and feet of God, because He is ultimately the one guiding our paths. By encountering each person with the knowledge that we are only a piece of their journey, like John the Baptist was for Jesus’ ministry, we are able to walk with people knowing we are not the experts, but companions. John the Baptist is a great example of leading people to something greater with confidence because he knows of who and what is to come.


Lexie Elliott is currently interning in the Financial Stability department of Catholic Charities of Central Texas as she continues her undergraduate studies in Social Work and Catholic Studies.





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