It was a simple question, friend: "Do you accept the scientific consensus that the man-made burning of fossil fuels is rapidly and dangerously warming the planet?"
But David Malpass—the head of the World Bank and the man in charge of funding energy projects in developing countries across the globe—refused to answer. He said, "I'm not a scientist."
There is simply no excuse for climate denial in 2022—and certainly not from the head of a massive financial institution. I need you to sign my petition and join me in calling on President Biden to help #FireMalpass right now!

Yesterday morning, I was pleased to join climate advocates from around the globe at the World Bank headquarters in protest of David Malpass' ridiculous non-answer.
The World Bank must be a climate leader and champion clean energy projects across the world—but under Trump-nominated Malpass' leadership, it continues to invest in fossil fuels.
We need an ambitious, climate-focused World Bank—not David Malpass and his ridiculous denial of climate reality. Sign my petition to President Biden right now, and let's #FireMalpass!
Lena Moffitt
Chief of Staff, Evergreen Action