From Hakeem Jeffries <[email protected]>
Subject Frank needs us, John.
Date September 28, 2022 9:30 PM
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John -- Republicans have put a target on Indiana’s 1st Congressional District, trying to unseat my valuable colleague Frank Mrvan. Will you join me in fighting for Frank with a grassroots contribution?

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John, it’s Hakeem Jeffries. 

As Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, I know how important it is to defend our House majority this November. I know what it looks like when national Republicans zero in on a district. 

Republicans have put a target on Indiana’s 1st District, pouring over $5 MILLION in outside spending and funding attack ads distorting Frank’s distinguished record of service. 

Given the attention this race is getting from GOP party officials and right-wing groups, we’ve made this race one of our top priorities. 

So, I’m asking: Will you join me and other Democratic supporters across the nation and chip in for Frank’s campaign before the end-of-quarter deadline? 

Yes, I'll chip in >> [link removed]

We need more leaders like Frank in Congress. He is relentless in his focus to be a district-centric Member of Congress. He’s prioritized tackling inflation, growing the Northwest Indiana economy, and defending our invaluable steel and manufacturing industries.

Right now, ads are airing on tv and online that are attempting to tear down Frank’s record of public service. He needs our help to push back against the lies and turn out Democratic voters in every corner of the district. We have to act fast. 

This is a make or break moment, John. Will you join me in supporting Frank before his critical end-of-quarter deadline? 

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Hakeem Jeffries
House Democratic Caucus Chair

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Democrat Frank J. Mrvan is serving his first term as the representative for Indiana’s 1st Congressional District. A lifelong public servant, he is putting his decades of experience to work for the people of Northwest Indiana, reaching across the aisle to form alliances, secure funding, and pass legislation to protect our jobs, our healthcare, and our economy. With your support, he can continue this important work.

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Paid For By Mrvan For Congress

Mrvan For Congress
7895 Broadway, Suite T
Merrillville, IN 46410
United States
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