Friend --

The DSA-LA Local Officer election for the 2020 Steering Committee and Branch Officers has completed and the results are in. We had 164 people vote in this election. From your Nominations Committee, thank you to everyone who helped make this election happen: Steering Committee, Membership Committee, and many more.

Here are the members you’ve chosen for the 2020 Steering Committee and Branch Coordinators:

At Large Steering Committee
Julia Shannon
Meg Wachter
Tal L.
Daniel Dominguez
Kenyon McFarlane
Shaun Cullen

Recording Secretary
Sergio D.*

Communications Director
Casey R.

Marlin Medrano

YDSA Coordinator
Mason Mineo*

Central Branch
Kyle Scott*
Jack S-L*

Valley Branch
Rhett Robb*

Westside Branch
Andy P.

Member was elected by acclamation.

If you’d like a more detailed breakdown of the vote totals, please take a look at
this webpage. Thanks again to everyone and congratulations to our new local officers.

In Solidarity,
Your Nominations Committee

Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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