Our new book shows that America's Hispanic voters want lower immigration and secure borders
Dear John,
Don't let the media and technology companies make you feel like you're alone in your values. Those of us who fight for common sense immigration are winning... because the truth is on our side. We see the true effect of illegal immigration in our pocketbooks, our job prospects, overcrowding and the decline of law and order.
You might be very encouraged to learn that America's millions of Hispanic voters aren't so different from anyone else! Most reject illegal immigration and they favor much lower legal immigration numbers! That's why so many are reassessing political party allegiances.
Political Migrants: Hispanic Voters on the Move is being sold TODAY on,, Apple Books, and in bookstores. The Kindle/eBook version is just $9.99, and you can download it and read it immediately. Or, you can order a paperback version for $14.99, or a hardbound copy for $24.99. John, I need your help to get the word on this book out across the country.
Here in Washington D.C., references in the Washington Examiner and Washington Times to the book's revelations are already enticing a string of radio and TV interviews across the country.
You'll LOVE reading this encouraging book, fast-paced book.
In fact, once you read it, I'm guessing you'll order others for your friends!
When I was born, there were less than 5 million Hispanics living in the United States. Today, there are more than 61 million, and two-thirds were actually born here! Who are America's Hispanics? Where did they come from? What are their political beliefs? How are they going to change our politics in years to come? Who will they vote for?
In the 2020 Presidential election, Hispanics shocked everyone by giving 37% of their votes to Pres. Donald Trump, sharply higher than he had gotten in his first election campaign. All his talk about building the Wall on our southern border and stopping illegal immigration was supposed to turn off Hispanics. Instead, for millions, it did the opposite. What was going on?
I wrote Political Migrants: Hispanic Voters on the Move to answer these questions. No one person can speak for all Hispanics... and that's the point! Just for this book, NumbersUSA hired the well-respected polling company Rasmussen Reports to conduct a massive poll of likely Hispanic voters. The results are extremely interesting and very detailed.
Here are some surprising facts my book reveals about Hispanic voters:
➔ Most Hispanic voters REJECT illegal immigration!
➔ By three-to-one, Hispanic voters favor mandatory E-Verify for every U.S. business!
➔ Hispanic voters narrowly oppose an amnesty for all illegal aliens;
➔ By a huge margin, Hispanic voters oppose chain migration!
As the Republican Party becomes much more assertive about immigration enforcement, who are the Hispanics that are shifting toward the GOP?
➔ Most married Hispanics and highly religious Hispanics, and more prosperous Hispanics intend to vote for Republicans in this fall's election.
➔ Rasmussen Reports found that 41% of all Hispanic likely voters said they would vote for GOP candidates for Congress. If that happens, it will be the highest Hispanic midterm support for Republicans on record and would crush Democratic hopes to keep control.
➔ Hispanic voters trust the Republican Party on economic matters far more than they do the Democratic Party.
➔ The more assimilated Hispanics are into American culture, the more likely they are to back the GOP.
Twenty years ago, many experts confidently predicted that the vast Hispanic physical migration into America would permanently cripple the Republican Party since they assumed Hispanics would continue to overwhelmingly vote Democratic. But that didn't happen.
As I argue in the book, Hispanics were simultaneously undergoing a POLITICAL MIGRATION in which millions of these new voters decided that the Democratic Party had moved too far to the left for them. One of the main complaints they had was that Democrats were TOO SOFT on immigration! Our book documents what our Hispanic members have been telling us all along.
Do you see why it's critical we get the message of Political Migrants: Hispanic Voters on the Move out as far as possible? This book GIVES HOPE to those of us who have fought hard for CONTROLLED IMMIGRATION all these years. Hispanics by and large want the same thing!! We need to reassure Republican officials that immigration reduction is a way to GAIN more Hispanic voters. And we need to warn Democratic officials that their advantage with Hispanic voters may continue to dwindle if they stick with their insistence on mass immigration both legal and illegal.
Ok, I hope you now see how important this book is to our cause. Here are the steps I hope you take TODAY to help us get the word out.
1) Order the book. It's best if you can order from because they sell the great majority of all books online, and therefore we need customer book reviews there the most. Order by pressing this link: [link removed] =political+migrants+jim+robb&crid=8NVO1RUK933R&sprefix=migrants+jim+robb
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3) If you like the book as much as I hope you will, consider going back to Amazon to Review the Book. How do you do that? There are lots of ways. When you are on, you can go to your past orders and select my book, Political Migrants. Once you do that, you'll see a box appear on the right that says, "Write a Product Review." Press that button and please write an enthusiastic review. The more detailed, the better. Include specific things you liked about the book and why others should read it. But a good single-sentence review works, too. Below is a screenshot of what you will see when you click on the order.
You'll LOVE reading this encouraging book, fast-paced book.
In fact, once you read it, I'm guessing you'll order others for your friends!
Thank you, John! I appreciate your helping to get the word out.
In friendship,
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. I wrote this book for the cause and for NumbersUSA. I receive no royalties.