You’ll need to log in to your Vote Forward account on that page in order to view the campaign and adopt voters. For detailed information, including step-by-step instructions on how to access this campaign, please consult the volunteer guidance we’ve prepared for you.
This is the first time Vote Forward has ever sent letters that encourage voters to choose a particular candidate, so we’re designing it as a special experimental “Labs” campaign. By doing so, we hope to learn how this new kind of campaign may influence both voter turnout and vote margins. Note that this special campaign does not affect our general letter writing guidance: your letters for all other Vote Forward campaigns should not mention parties or candidates.
A healthy democracy depends on our elected officials — but it depends just as much on volunteers like you, who step up and contribute your time to efforts like this. Once again, thank you for all that you do!
- Emily
Emily Wasserman
Senior Director of Data and Research, Vote Forward