This is important, John. Keith’s 2019 fundraising numbers will be made public for the first time shortly after the New Year and we’re substantially behind our budget targets. Every single race up and down the ballot is already in jeopardy next year because of Trump’s obsession with flipping Minnesota red. It would be a disaster if we came up short and looked vulnerable heading into 2020.

Keith Ellison for Attorney General

This is important, John.

Keith’s 2019 fundraising numbers will be made public for the first time shortly after the New Year and we’re substantially behind our budget targets.

Every single race up and down the ballot is already in jeopardy next year because of Trump’s obsession with flipping us red. It would be a disaster if we came up short and looked vulnerable heading into 2020.

We need to raise a minimum of $3,500 by tomorrow night to get back on track. We pulled your supporter record. It looks like you have yet to make a contribution this year and we could really use your support right now. Will you help us make up the difference?


SUPPORTER ID: [email protected]
SUGGESTED DONATION: $5 – Chip in to help us keep Minnesota blue!

Thanks for everything. We’re counting on you.
Team Keith








Prepared and paid for by the Keith Ellison for Attorney General committee, PO Box 80824, Minneapolis, MN 55408

We are prohibited by campaign finance law from accepting contributions from lobbyists and political committees during the regular legislative session.

Keith Ellison for Attorney General
PO Box 80824
Minneapolis, MN 55408