As we enter the busy Holiday Season, I wanted to take a moment to thank the people who have been there for me in the last year as I transitioned from candidate to Congresswoman. Representing the communities I’ve called home my entire life continues to be an even bigger honor than I could ever have imagined.
Thanks to your support, I’ve been able to focus on the issues most important to the people of the 3rd District. While the swirl of impeachment continues to captivate much of Washington and while gridlock has brought progress on some issues to a standstill, I want you to know the kind of politics I’m bringing to DC are different.
I would love to take a moment to share some updates with you on just a few things I’ve been fighting for:
ADDRESSING THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC: I organized both Republican and Democratic Members of Congress to come together to address the opioid epidemic by introducing legislation which requires increased training for physicians who prescribe such medications. In concert with efforts to better fund addiction treatment resources in our communities, we can make a lasting difference. Lives depend on it.
CLEANING UP THE MERRIMACK: I introduced bipartisan legislation which would address problems with Combined Sewage Overflow and ensure communities have the resources they need to protect our waterways like the Merrimack River. And I’ve been fighting every step of the way to make sure provisions of this bill are passed in the House this Congress.
PIPELINE SAFETY: In April, I introduced the Leonel Rondon Pipeline Safety Act, which ensures that lessons learned from the Merrimack Valley Gas Explosion are realized. In November, safety standards from this bill were included in the House passed version of a major pipeline safety bill.
STANDING UP FOR OUR COMMUNITIES: This November, I led the fight against Major League Baseball’s attempt to shut down Minor League Teams including our beloved Lowell Spinners. While the fight continues, I’m proud to have organized over 100 Members of Congress to stand up for our teams and our communities.
Our campaign has always been people-driven. During the primary last year, I got outspent 3-1, but it was our deep roots in the community, strong local support, and our fundamental belief that we can make a difference in Washington that fueled our campaign to victory.
I’m counting on support from my strongest supporters – people like you, friend – to ensure I come back to Congress and build on this work.
Thank you for everything, and have a happy holiday!