
Dear John,

I’m excited to announce that our campaign for San Diego County Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk has been endorsed by Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins.

“I support Barbara for this important countywide post, because she has demonstrated leadership in both business and government. She has the experience to modernize and manage this important office, will lead with transparency and integrity and will prioritize excellent customer service to San Diego residents.”

Election Day is getting closer. Tomorrow, the Registrar of Voters will start mailing out voter guides.

Texting is one of the key ways that we are reaching out to the County’s two million voters, and you can help by volunteering a few hours of your time between now and the end of October.

On Saturday morning, we drank coffee, ate bagels, talked and sent over 200,000 text messages to San Diego voters—and saved our campaign $8,000! Most volunteers were able to send at least 8,000 text messages per hour. It’s very easy! Thank you to Susan Peinado and John Loughlin for hosting us and the Point Loma-Oceanside Democratic Club for sponsoring this event.

Nicole Rockstead, our campaign chief of staff, did a great job organizing everyone, showing volunteers how to use the system and keeping track of our progress.

We would like to thank Bruce Abrams for hosting our in-person “Text and Thai” session on Thursday, October 13, 4:30-7:30 pm, at his house on Bankers Hill. Come hungry for delicious Thai food.

Please respond to this email if you can attend or if you prefer to text remotely either that evening or another time. Thank you again for your support in person and virtually!

With gratitude,


(858) 248-9465


Paid for by Barbara Bry for County Assessor 2022. FPPC ID 1441650