2022-2023 Campaign Kickoff
Time: Thursday, September 29 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Place: Zoom (register to receive the link)
Registration: Campaign Kickoff registration link
Alliance for a Green Economy is a founding member of this campaign. RHN is organized by 20 groups who have joined together to accelerate the adoption of ground-source (geothermal) and air-source heat pumps in New York to reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to heat and cool our homes and workplaces. We educate the public about heat pumps and advocate for policies that will enable all New Yorkers to afford to make the switch to these heating and cooling technologies.
Last session, we won major policy initiatives by the Governor, established regional teams across the state, and moved several pieces of legislation into law.
This year, we have big plans for an even more impactful campaign!. Join us Thursday, Sept. 29 from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We will review the last legislative session, discuss the coming year's work, and go over a rough timeline for the coming months.
Bring your ideas, your passion, and invite a friend along! We're excited about making new friends, growing our numbers, offering support and training, and planning our strategy for the 2022-2023 legislative session.
Register now to join the Zoom meeting on Thursday, September 29 from 6:30pm to 8pm as we kick off an impactful, inclusive, and fun campaign for 2022-2023 together.
Folks don't have to have any prior experience in order to join this meeting. We welcome new energy and can't wait to continue working together to win affordable fossil-free buildings for all New Yorkers!
Can't wait to connect with you tomorrow,
Andra Leimanis
Communications & Outreach Director
Alliance for a Green Economy