Dear Friend,

Welcome to our fourth quarterly newsletter!

Our Domestic Workers members have been busy building their collective leadership and power to transform the industry from the grassroots. Our members participated in workforce development programs like our “We Rise” nanny training and worker industry-based English for Empowerment classes to strengthen their skills and knowledge to thrive at the workplace. At Adhikaar we see these services as crucial to addressing our community's needs and building the foundation for systemic change.

Through organizing and community-led campaigns, we’ve won progressive policies that create safer working conditions for our members, like the historic New York’s Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Our next step is campaigning for the passage of the New Jersey Domestic Workers Bill of Rights! Urge your NJ State legislators to co-sponsor the Bill by signing the petition.

We hope that you enjoy reading our newsletter and stay tuned for more updates from our Domestic Workers program.


Pabitra Khati Benjamin,  
Executive Director, Adhikaar