A September to remember!
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Hey friends!

September did not disappoint! 
We've started up our Prepping for the 88th Legislative session series. I personally heard from the following Organizations or individuals at the meetings I was able to attend: 

Don Huffines
Huffines Liberty Foundation

Michael Quinn Sullivan
Texas Scorecard

Kelly Neidert
Protect Texas Kids

Rebecca Hardy & Christine Welborn
Texans for Vaccine Choice

Chris Hopper,
Texas Family Project

Terri Hall
Texans United for Reform & Freedom

Rebecca Parma
with Texas Right to Life

Tracy Shannon
Mass Resistance

Chris McNutt
Texas Gun Rights

Dr. Grant Ferguson, Professor at TCU


Whew!!! Sure hope I didn't forget anyone! This group of Organizational Allies and friends to True Texas Project all have important points of discussion to share in our legislative priorities! If you missed them in September - check the calendar for where they will be in October or November! Speaking of Legislative Priorities, Check out the September announcement video where we have shared what TTP's focus priorities will be for the 88th Legislative Session.

You will find your County specific activities on our events page online or on our Facebook page! We are getting more and more social activities set up in addition to the monthly meetings! I love the sense of community this builds among each of our County groups! So be sure to check those out!

On a Personal Note:
Our Mission States: "True Texas Project exists to educate and motivate citizen engagement in all levels of government."
This month in Denton, we had the opportunity to activate citizen engagement against an all-ages drag show taking place. These have been popping up more regularly across the state. A friend shared this particular event with me. One of the perks of my involvement with TTP is having a lot of connections!📣 Many of us spread the word across social media and conservatives across Denton County (and all over Texas) took action by calling and messaging the venue, city officials, the sheriffs office, etc. My personal request was that they make the event adults only, like all the other events they host at their venue. I didn't care if they held the event, just leave the kids out of it.  We even had some activists organizing a prayer rally for the day of the event.  Within a few days, the Drag Queens and the venue caved to the pressure of the grassroots and the event was cancelled completely. Supposedly out of fear for the safety of their employees. Prayer rallies are scary y'all. Fast forward to our Denton County meeting later in the month and we had gotten word that "trans rights" supporters (aka, antifa 🤡) were planning to protest our meeting. I call them Kelly Neidert's super-fan club. Once again we put out the call for conservatives to rally and show these people they don't intimidate us and we don't back down! True Texans showed up BIG! 👏👏👏 I love that we closed that meeting praying for Kelly's safety as she continues her work to Protect Texas Kids!

Meeting Spotlight:
Not mentioned above are the guest speakers we had in Dallas this month: Dr. Georgette Nichols PharmD, Dr. Peter McCullough and special guest True-Crime Author John Leake. Dr. McCullough and John Leake have written a book together called The Courage to Face COVID-19. If you'd like a chance to win an autographed copy of the book, click on the image below and take your best guess at answering a few questions taken straight from their presentation at our Dallas meeting! You will find the live-stream from that meeting on our Facebook page!  I'll pick a winner from the responses and send them their prize!

What's Next?
In October we are excited to launch our next TTP Satellite in Longview! We hope you can join us and bring a friend!



Are You Ready to Do Something?

It takes a whole team of people to operate each location and we could ALWAYS use more hands on deck! If you would like to help on any one of our teams please email me directly at [email protected]. Beyond the people it also takes money. If you can help support TTP financially, the very best way to do that is through monthly recurring donations.  No amount is too small - the small ones add up.  Of course we'll take big ones too!  No pressure, but if you'd like to donate to TTP (once or monthly), click the button below.  Bonus - you can designate your contributions to your specific satellite group!

Great things are always happening at True Texas Project!  We look forward to seeing you again next time - spread the word and bring a friend!

Susan Griffith,

Satellite Development Coordinator

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