The next three days are critical to the strength of our movement and our work together in the year ahead. With your help, we can continue our efforts to:
Secure bipartisan support for Israel’s security.
Ensure Congress funds life-saving missile and tunnel defense systems.
Support and expand regional cooperation between Israel and its Arab partners.
Defend Israel from biased attacks at the United Nations.
But none of this work can happen without the support of pro-Israel Americans like you.
By furthering your investment in AIPAC, you help ensure that the U.S.-Israel alliance is strengthened in the year ahead.
Last year alone, AIPAC supporters nationwide worked with Congress to secure $3.3 billion for Israel’s security needs as well as an additional $500 million for life-saving missile defense programs like Iron Dome.
But vital U.S. security assistance to Israel does not happen automatically, and America’s support for Israel is not guaranteed.
As we look to the year ahead…
WE are the ones who must ensure America fulfills its commitment to Israel’s safety, with vital annual security assistance.
WE are the ones who must keep Congress informed about Iran’s continued aggression and support for terrorism across the Middle East.
WE are the ones who must advocate for new collaborations between both countries in areas like renewable energy, cybersecurity, water conservation and countless other technologies that better our world.
The mission of AIPAC is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel.