
This week I was campaigning against amendment 2, which would be harmful to the people of my beloved state. While I was out campaigning I ran into a promising young democrat running for House of Delegates.?

I am proud to announce my endorsement of West Virginia's very own Joanna Vance. As the canine companion of our Republican governor James "Big Jim" Justice, I am no stranger to the campaign trail. I know decency and integrity when I see it and I see it in Joanna Vance.?

My endorsement, while not shared by many of the republican establishment, shows our commitment to reach across the aisle for improving out state. Providing everything from treatment access, better jobs and universal belly rubs for all who want them.?

Big Jim gestures towards Joanna's daughter in the interview Monday night in Beckley "We need to be there for her". That is what I know Joanna intends to do, for her and other children like her across the 43rd House district and beyond.?

I, Babydog, ask you to donate to Joanna's campaign using the button below. Her team is coming upon their fundraising deadline at the end of the week and could use your support. In this final stretch, this allows her to reach more people when it is most vital. Please donate $25 or whatever you can spare!


I appreciate you being part of the movement, and will not let you or the people and canines of my state down.

Thank you for your support,
Babydog Justice

Canine under conservatorship