Dear Members and Supporters,

Truss regime crashes economy in just three weeks. Let's crash their conference this Sunday!


With leading economists already saying that Truss’ recent budget was fiscally irresponsible and fatally flawed it comes as no surprise that Tories have crashed the economy in just three weeks forcing The Bank of England to step in and rescue it

The Tory’s recent budget announcement makes it unequivocally clear that they have no political will to address the cost of living crisis, as always with this Government they have shown us with a budget ‘by the rich and for the rich’ that their priority is to service the bankers and top tear earners while thousands of working class people are set to face the most challenging winter in years as they face crippling energy bills and unaffordable food prices.

This Sunday the Tories will be in Birmingham to begin their annual conference and we’ll be there too to tell them that working class people have had enough, they are not fit to govern and it’s time for their rotten government to go.

The last few months have seen momentous changes in our political landscape.

Coming out of the Covid pandemic, we’ve seen attacks on workers’ pay and conditions, political meltdown, an unprecedented cost of living crisis and the emergence of a huge fightback from unionised workers, including a wave of strikes engulfing the country over the summer.

The sham of privatisation has been exposed by rocketing energy prices and sewerage being poured into our seas and rivers. Our public services are creaking, and the safety net of social security is being torn apart, bit by bit. 

Meanwhile, the Government has continued to bring forward authoritarian legislation in addition to the Police, Crime, Courts and Sentencing Bill, the Elections Bill and the Nationality and Borders Bill of last year. Now we are seeing a Public Order Act and further anti-trade union legislation to curtail our freedom to strike, protest and protect our pay, terms, and conditions. 

The Tories still have an 80-seat majority, and the official Opposition stays mostly silent on these attacks on our freedoms and living standards. So, we have no choice – we have to do it ourselves and oppose everything this Government stands for, in our communities and on the street.

So, once again, we urge supporters to come to the National Demonstration at the Tory Party conference in Birmingham, to let them know they will be held to account, that our united, grassroots opposition is growing and that organised workers will join with community campaigners all over the country, to beat back these attacks and create a better system for all.

Mick Lynch - RMT General Seretary who will be speaking at Sunday’s demonstration said:

"The Tory government need to recognise that we will not meekly accept a cost-of-living crisis that was not of our making.

"The rich have never been richer and now their friends in the Conservative Party are rewarding them further with tax cuts and increased access to our public services.

"We are building a strong working-class voice on the streets of Britain that is united and determined to fight for jobs and decent pay.

"And if the government does clamp down on our human right to take strike action and curtail other civil liberties, we will launch a massive wave of civil disobedience to show we will not be intimidated."


Join us this Sunday in Birmingham! Assemble in Victoria Square at 1pm.

Please click and share the Facebook Event.

Our demands include:

End the Cost-of-Living Crisis - Cut Profits, Not Wages

Tax Wealth - Fund Social Care & Social Security - End Fuel Poverty

Nationalise Energy, Water, Mail and Rail

End Britain's Low Pay Crisis

Tories Out

Scrap Anti-Union Laws

End the Housing Crisis - Build Council Homes

End outsourcing and privatisation of NHS & Public Services

Low-cost transport to Birmingham is being organised from around the country. Book your coach seat now.

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