Hello Menhaden Stakeholders This is a reminder that the public comment period on Menhaden Draft Addendum I ends at 11:59 PM on September 30. The Draft Addendum considers changes to: 1) commercial allocation between the Atlantic coast jurisdictions; 2) the episodic events set aside program; and 3) the incidental catch and small-scale fisheries provision. This is an important opportunity for stakeholders in Maine to provide comments on the future of the menhaden fishery. Written Comments: The comment period is open until September 30. Written comments can be submitted to ASMFC:
Where can I learn more? A copy of Draft Addendum I can be found HERE. DMR has created a webpage with additional information on the Draft Addendum which can be found HERE. A copy of the ASMFC press release can be found HERE. For additional questions about Draft Addendum I, please contact Megan Ware or Melissa Smith at ME DMR