Dear John

What does it mean to be Church on the Margins? Book your place now

For the past three years, Church Action on Poverty has been listening and learning with churches in Greater Manchester who are part of marginalised communities. We now want to share what we've learned - telling stories of how we can truly build a "poor church that is for the poor". We'll be helping churches to reflect on their own mission and vision, and challenging the wider chuch to prioritise marginalised communities more.

Join us on Zoom from 7pm to 8:30pm on Wednesday 9 November. We'll share our findings, and talk about how we can all work together to build that "poor church that is for the poor". The meeting will also include Church Action on Poverty's 2022 AGM, where we will report on our work over the past year, and hold elections to our Council of Management.

We hope to see you there!