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Together with FRC, Overcome Lies with Truth

Dear John,

According to a recent USA Today poll, five times as many Americans say our nation is on the wrong track than believe we are doing well.

You'd think strategies like cutting unnecessary red tape for businesses--a proven way to cut costs--might be in the works. Instead, the White House is doubling down on radicalism.

Only weeks ago, a spokesperson described President Biden as "laser-focused" on LGBT issues and noted his administration is "pulling every lever to advance LGBTQI+ (interests)."

At the same time, we've seen the reemergence of conservative cowardice, as some politicians who once stood for marriage as being between one man and one woman have revised their stance. They seem to think no one will be harmed by "expanding" how marriage is defined.

Tell that to Christian adoption agencies who've been told to place children with same-sex couples if they don't want to lose their ability to operate or the wedding vendors who've been taken to court for declining to celebrate same-sex weddings.

When holding to orthodox biblical views on life and marriage gets you vilified in popular culture, some are tempted to compromise their convictions. But at FRC, we understand the truth hasn't changed--so neither can we.

We will never betray the courageous ones who are standing firm for truth and liberty in a hostile world. With your vital gift, can you help FRC make the case for truth?


Today, a ferocious war is being waged against our children's innocence, religious freedom, the central role of parents, and conscience rights.

The truth is: marriage has been defined for millennia as a union of one man and one woman.

Overwhelming sociological and anecdotal evidence tells us it is in children's best interest to be raised in homes with a married mother and father. And since the court cast off that definition of marriage seven years ago, many have been harmed.

Alongside artists in the wedding industry and Christian adoption agencies being forced to shut down or violate their faith, don't forget the battles happening at the school board level.

When Massachusetts parents objected to their second graders reading a book titled King & King that depicts a same-sex ceremony and kiss, a school superintendent refused to budge on the curriculum propaganda, saying this is "the world they live in."

Consider the many evils we're fighting today in school classrooms, public libraries, and our daughters' locker rooms--the redefinition of marriage is the bitter root of essentially all of it.

But leftist intimidation tactics will not work against mothers and fathers who refuse to give their children over to dangerous gender ideology. Don't mess with mama bears!

And always remember: Courage is contagious.

The call of every believer is to share the truth that sets people free and changes hearts and minds. We cannot and will not live by lies. Without fail, biblical principles supersede today's opinion polls.

During this time of decision in our nation, we must mobilize and educate Americans with compelling truth.

FRC has the strategies to do it--from our daily TV and radio program to our expansive church outreach initiative.

Will you partner with FRC through your best gift today to amplify our voice for your values?


FRC is one of a few voices leading consistently on life, marriage, and religious freedom--the pillars of a free society.

When others are swayed by cultural winds, we'll stand firm on bedrock truths. We have a vision to see Christians fully mobilized, ready to pray and act.

It's why the Left is attempting to silence us with intimidation tactics including when 40 congressional Democrats sent a letter in August calling on the IRS to investigate Family Research Council!

As you know well, the views of conservatives and Christians are regularly censored, particularly on these issues. But we won't be silenced. That's why we launched The Washington Stand this summer, a media outlet that provides up-to-date news and analysis, tethered to a biblical worldview.

Your partnership today with FRC will ensure we can keep Americans informed about the issues, point our elected officials to core principles, and equip believers on the front lines in their communities.

Thank you in advance for your faithful support!

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P.S. - With the midterms around the corner, our nation will debate weighty issues in the days ahead--from the halls of Congress to the fellowship hall at your church. FRC has strategies to equip leaders and lovers of truth. Please give your best gift today to fuel our mission!
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