John, Victory - Round 1! Thanks to all of you, Joe Manchin just suffered the defeat of his dirty deal to fast-track fossil fuels! Because of our calls, it has been stripped from the Senate bill to fund the government. Through our organizing and the activism of our coalition, we won this round — but we need to stay vigilant! We need to keep this same energy when the dirty deal rears its ugly head again — we know Manchin and the fossil fuel industry goons won’t give up. Celebrate with us and become a sustaining member of Our Revolution today to build our strength for the coming fights. Grassroots donations powered our massive pressure campaign and kept the heat on lawmakers up to the very last minute - our coalition rallied on Capitol Hill this morning and continued to flood legislators’ inboxes until we won. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer realized he wouldn’t have the votes and detached Manchin’s #DirtyDeal from the resolution to fund the government! Thank you for being involved in this fight! When we organize, we win! Our Revolution 