Victory in November depends on standing up to Brian Kemp right now
Stacey Abrams for Governor


FIRST: Our campaign’s momentum became clear — with a Republican-led firm releasing a poll that shows Stacey beating Kemp by 1 point.

THEN: Kemp recently released a new ad that tries to demonize Stacey’s aspirations and hard work — despite the fact that she’s dedicated her career to serving the people of Georgia and improving their lives.

NOW: We’re rushing to raise $1.1 million before our public report deadline in just over 72 hours to clear the record and show Brian Kemp his attacks don’t phase us.

Can you make your first donation to our campaign today to help us tell the truth about Stacey’s vision and counter Brian Kemp’s latest attack ads? With our final End of Quarter deadline just around the corner, your $5 contribution makes a major difference. Please chip in now to help us reach our $1.1 million goal.


John, with Brian Kemp’s latest attack ads, he is signaling that he will do anything it takes to hold on to power this November.

If we’re going to fire a dangerous and extreme incumbent governor, we have to be able to rely on this grassroots team to power our work and defend against everything he throws our way. We cannot afford to slow down now.

Can you pitch in $5 or any amount before Friday to support Stacey Abrams in the final days to help her hit her $1.1 million End of Quarter goal? With your help, we can defeat Brian Kemp, win this race and get to work for the people of Georgia.

Thanks for your support,

Stacey Abrams HQ


Abrams for Governor
931 Monroe Dr NE
Ste A102 #363
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States

Contributions to Abrams for Governor are not tax deductible.

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