Respect and a smile
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I have a story to tell you and it’s going to be a little long, but you can’t rush a tale of kindness.

I met Timothy weeks ago when I installed my first campaign signs on the corners. His sign was cardboard asking for help. We talked as I worked and then said our goodbyes.

Last weekend I saw Timothy with his cardboard sign when I was replacing one of my destroyed signs. I explained to him there is a person(s) going around town slashing signs. Timothy said he would be on the lookout.

Fast forward to this past weekend and I am once again replacing 90% of my signs. Thanks to your generosity from my last email, I was able to rush in some more signs.

After 3.5 hours of replacing signs, I arrive at Timothy’s corner, and this is how I find my sign. The Ahwatukee Sign Slasher performed their hate but didn’t count on the goodness of Timothy who found wire and stitched my sign together.

There are many lessons we can take away from this story and I'll let you choose your own.

Timothy is why I am running for Phoenix City Council. All community members deserve respect, a hand up if needed and always a smile.

Folks, I need your help. Replacing the signs meant I couldn’t spend that time talking to folks at their doors. I do have a Plan J (for Joan) but it will take some financial resources.

The amount isn’t as important as the donation itself because it’s going to take a lot of people chipping in as much as they can to reach our goal. A win this November is a win for our families and businesses.

Thank you for your trust and support,

Joan Greene

Email is the most important way we keep in touch with you, so thank you for reading to the end. Small donors like you keep us going. To contribute via check, please address to Joan Greene for Phoenix City Council 4802 E. Ray Road, Suite 23-134 Phoenix, AZ 85044
