I have good news to share, folks: Since John emailed you earlier this week about our year-end fundraising goal, we’ve seen an incredible surge of contributions from grassroots donors.

But here’s the bad news: We’re still projecting to fall short of our $500,000 goal before the FEC deadline expires.

This race is going to begin for real in January. We know Mitch McConnell’s billionaire network is going to do and spend whatever it takes to tear down our campaign in a desperate attempt to win this Senate race.

With only a few weeks left until the most important FEC fundraising deadline we’ve ever faced, any donation you make will impact our ability to fight back and build a winning campaign in 2020.

Our campaign is powered by grassroots donors, not corporate PACs or right-wing dark money groups. Can you contribute right now to help us get back on track before our year-end deadline?

Thanks for everything you do.

— M.E.

M.E. Smith
Campaign Manager
Team Hick