
On Friday, House Republicans announced their four-point legislative agenda for the next Congress, a “Commitment to America.” The plan promises all Americans that when they vote Republican in November, they will be voting for... 

  • An Economy That's Strong
  • A Nation That's Safe
  • A Future That’s Built on Freedom
  • A Government That’s Accountable

I’ve spent the weekend highlighting how these commitments will bring prosperity to KS-03 and how my policy plans serve as a concrete blueprint for voters in November. You can read more about the "Commitment to America" here

I also hosted a press conference yesterday where I echoed House leadership with my own commitments to Kansas. I was honored to be joined by Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe; the owner of Straub Construction, Ernie Straub; and Diego Gandolfo, an international litigator and business owner who immigrated to the United States from Argentina and is supporting my campaign because he wants American freedoms to be preserved for generationsThese local leaders spoke about the need for these commitments to America in order to get our nation back on track. 

If you missed our live stream on Facebook yesterday morning, you can watch the press conference below. I am committed to advocating for stronger economic growth, simpler government, smarter programs, and strategic partnerships. 

Stronger Economic Growth

Sharice Davids and Joe Biden's economic policies have been disastrous for our country. Interest rates are at 20-year highs, inflation is at a 40-year high, and our economy is nearing a recession. With supply chain issues and high energy prices also devastating businesses, it's clear we need new leadership in Congress to get our economy, and our country, back on track. 

This week, I shared the stories of two small businesses in KS-03 who are being negatively impacted by the failed economic policies coming out of Washington.

As a businesswoman, I know that leadership starts with a long-term vision and a well thought out plan. On top of my plan to fight inflation, I have also released a plan to support mothers returning to the workforce and a plan to improve household income, which is needed now more than ever since inflation is dealing a pay cut to millions of Americans.

Read my plans to bring stronger economic growth to KS-03:

Simpler Government

The top concern I hear from voters time and time again is that the price of everything from groceries to gas has risen. The truth is, prices are rising because of excessive government spending and regulations. While Sharice Davids champions more government intervention in our lives, I will ALWAYS fight for individuals to make their own decisions. Another part of simplifying government includes reducing our federal deficit so that our children are protected from debt. Right now, each baby born in the United States automatically is stacked with $90,000 of our national debt. Erin, a teacher from Gardner, endorsed my campaign as someone who invests in our future every day. Hear what she had to say about our campaign:

Read my plans to simplify government so Kansans can keep more of their hard-earned money:

  • Read my plan to fight inflation HERE.
  • Read my plan to protect our children and seniors from debt HERE.

Smarter Programs

Right now, Sharice Davids and Joe Biden's failed policies are taking our country down the wrong path. Their border policies are opening our nation up to crime and drugs, their energy policies are causing suffering for Kansas families and businesses, and their healthcare policies are making prescription drugs unaffordable. 

I was honored to be endorsed by former Johnson County Sheriff Dr. Currie Myers this week. Law enforcement officers are on the front lines protecting Americans against the crime and drugs coming across the Southern border, and I am honored to have the support of several law enforcement leaders. Hear what former Sheriff Myers had to say about my campaign below:

Read my plans to create smarter programs to keep KS-03 safe and prosperous:

  • Read my plan to improve our energy security and invest in a healthy environment HERE.
  • Read my plan to defend America's borders and advance our workforce HERE.
  • Read my plan to improve the health of our nation HERE.

Strategic Partnerships

One of the Biden administration's most abysmal failures came just over a year ago during their failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. Instead of short-sighted and incompetent policy failures, I have plans to invest in global, long-term strategic partnerships so that America can continue to thrive on the world stage. We shared a testimonial from Jonathan, a KS-03 veteran on social media this weekend: 

I've released plans to strengthen our relationship with a key ally, Israel, and to push back against the threat of China:

  • Read my plan to strengthen our relationship with Israel HERE.
  • Read my plan to address the threat of China HERE.

I'm running for Congress because KS-03 needs a leader with a vision for the future of our community. I commit to ALWAYS being an independent voice for Kansas in Congress, not just voting with my party 100% of the time. 

Build & believe,

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© Amanda Adkins for Congress 2022