With constant barriers being created to limit voter participation, it has never been more important to protect the freedom to vote. 

Fair Fight

Fair Fight is preparing to protect the vote whenever and wherever it may be threatened during this year’s midterm elections — and we can expect the anti-voter attacks to ramp up as Election Day nears.

Just last week, an organization backed by Donald Trump’s cronies Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne made more than 37,000 faulty “challenges” to voters’ registrations in Gwinnett County, one of the largest and most diverse counties in Georgia. So far 6,275 of those “challenges” have been withdrawn, and more than 15,000 of the “challenges” have already been dismissed outright.

We’ve set a goal to raise $30,000 before the end of the month to ensure we can sustain our voter protection work all the way through Election Day and beyond. Please chip in $20 or whatever you can today to fund Fair Fight’s work to make sure all eligible voters can freely and fairly cast their ballots.


This is just the latest example of attempts to suppress the voices of Georgians. In 2020, voters turned out at historic levels in the Peach State — and with this team in the fight leading a massive mobilization effort, voters elected the final two Senate seats during the 2021 runoffs.

But those record turnout numbers scared people who don’t want us to change a system that already works for them. So they’ve doubled down on their efforts to make voting more difficult this year — especially for Black, brown, and younger voters — in order to take back their power.

Fair Fight knows what it takes to fight back — getting the word out in every corner of the state about how to register to vote, cast your ballot, and have that ballot count  to overcome these challenges — but we can’t do this critical work without steady funding from supporters like you.

So, please make a $20 contribution to fund Fair Fight’s critical work. Whatever you’re able to give will make a huge impact and help us reach our ambitious fundraising goals as we head into the final stretch of this election season.

Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Team