Every. Single. Vote is proud to be supporting Proposition 2 this November to ensure free and fair election are protected in Michigan!

Every. Single. Vote. is a non-profit organization that's fighting to make voting easier and more accessible through statewide ballot measures. We really hope you'll decide to join our fight, however, if you no longer wish to receive email updates, you can unsubscribe here.

Every. Single. Vote. is proud to be supporting Michigan's Proposition 2 this November to ensure free and fair elections are protected in Michigan!

If passed by voters, Promote the Vote, which is officially on the ballot as Proposition 2, would add an amendment to the Michigan Constitution establishing key voting rights protections and ensuring fairness and integrity in Michigan's elections.

If you want to see voting in Michigan protected, split a donation between Every. Single. Vote and Prop 2 today >>

As many of us know, Michigan is one of the most contested battleground states in the country -- in many respects, the way Michigan goes is the way the nation goes.


Which is why it is so vital we protect and expand our most sacred right to vote. If passed, Prop 2 would establish new constitutional protections for voting including:


Requiring military or overseas ballots, postmarked by Election Day, be counted be counted


Allowing voters to request an absentee ballot by mail for all future elections.


Requiring ballot drop box stations and robust absentee ballot tracking.


✅ Establish nine days of in-person, early voting.


Requiring canvassing boards to certify election results based only on the official records of votes cast.


For the full language of the proposal please visit their website here.


Every. Single. Vote. is working to see Prop 2 succeed in November, but we are going to need your help. Chip in today to ensure voting rights are protected this November >>

Thank you!




At Every. Single. Vote., we believe that voting should be easy and accessible. That's why we're on a mission to help pass statewide ballot props that expand voting access. However, our work is powered by grassroots donations from people like yourself. Will you pitch in $5, $15, or $25 right now to help us create equitable access to the ballot?




Paid for by Every. Single. Vote.




Every. Single. Vote.

2120 University Ave.

Berkeley, CA 94704

United States