Morgan is absolutely right, team.
Republicans have made clear the direction they’ll take our country if they win this November. It’s time for us to push Louisville forward, not hold ourselves back with far-right extremism. If we want a shot at preserving our democracy and upholding our rights, we have to send Democrats like Morgan to Congress.
Can you chip in anything you can right now to help Morgan hit his $25,000 end-of-quarter goal before the FEC fundraising deadline?
Morgan has dedicated his career to this fight for progress. He worked tirelessly as Kentucky’s Democratic Senate Leader to support the LGBTQ+ community and invest in our futures. Now he’s ready to stand up for Louisville in Congress and push us forward.
Let’s be honest: the GOP isn’t interested in progress. As far as they’re concerned, rolling back our rights and victimizing our most vulnerable communities are just stepping stones in their plan to take control of the country.
We can’t let them win. It’s up to us to get Morgan to Congress so he can keep fighting for working families. And the best way to do that is by helping his campaign hit its mission-critical end-of-quarter fundraising goal.
The FEC fundraising deadline is in just a few days, so we have to act now. Can Morgan count on you to chip in $25 to help hit this goal?
Thank you,
Team McGarvey