
I’m feeling inspired. For months, political experts warned that Democrats could lose our Congressional majorities and the progress we fought so hard for in 2020.

Now, with less than six weeks until the midterms, there are signs that momentum may be on our side.

I’m hopeful, but here’s what worries me: with only 72 hours left before the final FEC deadline of the midterm elections, we’re in serious danger of missing our goal. Our grassroots fundraising effort has completely stalled out.

Friend, I’ll be blunt: for us to protect our progress and keep our majorities, Michigan Democrats must win. I’m working my heart out to make that happen, and I’m asking you to join me by contributing anything you can before the FINAL FEC deadline of 2022.

Look, we’re not the only ones who understand the importance of winning Michigan. Donald Trump recently announced he’s coming back soon for another rally. The billionaire DeVos family is spending millions to defeat our great Governor, Gretchen Whitmer.

And the Michigan GOP keeps doubling down on their dangerous attacks on our democracy. According to a CNN report, leaders from the Wayne County GOP actually encouraged poll workers to break the rules and be “spies” during a recent poll training session.

So we’re up against a lot right now and with only a handful of days until the final FEC deadline, I sure could use your help.

Please, friend, contribute $25 or more right now and support my effort to help Michigan Democrats win up and down the ticket.

You always have Michigan’s back, and I can’t thank you enough for your support,


Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator





Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

Contributions or gifts to Stabenow for U.S. Senate are not tax deductible.
Stabenow for U.S. Senate
P.O. Box 4945
Lansing, MI 48826
United States


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