My parents always taught me not to count your chickens before they hatch, you see.

Meaning, don’t count on something happening before it has happened.

Remember when the GOP promised a tax break to everyday families? Instead, the GOP passed a tax scam two years ago today that deepened the pockets of the wealthy while everyone else paid the price.

Like I said, don’t count your chickens.

We’ve known from the start that the GOP only cares about pleasing special-interests, lobbyists, and their wealthy friends. That’s why I’ve spent my career trying to get dark money out of our politics for good.

If you’re with me, one of the best ways you can help fight is by donating $10 or whatever you can toward our end-of-year FEC goal. Every dollar you give keeps me focused on doing my job in the Senate and fighting back against the GOP:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for fighting the good fight alongside me.

— Jon