This month the agency’s
inspector general offers troubling details of the case in
a report that, incredibly, concludes the Bureau still can’t
ensure felons—including sex offenders—do not get hired. “Mr. Kenneth
Mabry began working in August 2018 as a regional recruiting manager for the
Charlotte ACO after successfully completing a pre-employment suitability
determination, despite having a prior criminal record,” the watchdog
writes in a document addressed to federal lawmakers. “He was arrested on
March 12, 2019, charged with two felonies (sexual offense with a child,
indecent liberties with a child), and subsequently terminated on March 14,
2019.” The IG reveals that, although under certain conditions, the
government allows a convict to be hired into federal service, Mabry’s
hiring did not follow the guidelines, “bringing to question the
Bureau’s judgement in this case.” |