We've had a new prime minister for 21 days, yet the government has managed to do nothing to solve the cost of living crisis and climate emergency. Instead, they will leave millions to struggle this winter. We need more Gre
Green background with Green Party logo in white



There’s a cost of living crisis and a climate crisis. Yet over the past week this Government has:


❌Made bankers, polluters and the wealthy richer whilst leaving millions struggling to make ends meet


❌Borrowed billions to cap soaring energy prices rather than extending a windfall tax on fossil fuel companies profiting from them


❌Driven a wedge through the UK economy, plummeting the pound and skyrocketing financial uncertainty


We urgently need more Greens in government who can promote more progressive and just politics. Did you know you can help us get there without becoming a member?


Our Green Friends help us put plans like this into action. They are a key part of our movement, giving a monthly contribution to support our work on climate action and getting exclusive access to events and discounts.


But they are not party members and can continue to be politically unaffiliated or remain as members of other parties💚

Thank you for your support.


The Green Party