I just finished an interview on Morning Joe MSNBC, John, and I think you'll want to hear what we talked about.

HER Time conducted a poll to find out the extent to which abortion rights are a mobilizing issue for younger women in the US. To get our answer, we surveyed women under 50 in five frontline Congressional districts. 

What we found is a BIG deal. Like a #1, 38-point-net-shift, even-swaying-12%-of-Trump-voters big deal.

A couple of the highlights are:

💟 Among younger, pro-choice women, 82% said they would cast their votes based solely on a candidate's position on abortions.

💗 Among pro-choice Democrats who are not currently likely to vote, 68% say that the Dobbs decisions makes them more motivated to turn out.

❤️ Among younger Independent and Republican women, there was a net shift of 38% towards a Democrat when compared to an anti-choice Republican.

Abortion is a WINNING ISSUE. If we can get our frontline candidates the resources they need to reach younger women voters, then we can win a lot of tough races across the country.

We need your help to amplify the campaigns of unapologetically pro-choice women running for office. Will you chip in now to help them win their races?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

More to come,

— Katie