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Emilia Sykes has been a champion for victims of domestic violence in Ohio.

But national Republicans are trying to spread lies about her record.

We need your help to set the record straight!

When she was first elected to the state house, Emilia learned that Ohio was one of only two states that had not modernized their domestic violence laws to include all intimate partner relationships. She worked with Democrats and Republicans to make HB 1 priority legislation and ultimately into law.

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Conveniently, they’ve forgotten. We have not. In the Ohio statehouse, @EmiliaSykesOH has been fighting for Northeast Ohio’s victims of domestic violence since being elected. #OH13

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The corrupt NRCC is portraying @EmiliaSykesOH as everything but what she is: A Champion for Northeast Ohio’s first responders, and a long time advocate for public health and safety. #OH13

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.@EmiliaSykesOH introduced domestic violence legislation while in the Ohio Statehouse & worked across the aisle with Republicans to get it passed. She worked alongside victims of domestic violence, and listened to their needs so that they would be safer and have peace of mind.

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Attacks on @EmiliaSykesOH record are baseless and do nothing but remind me and my neighbors that her opponent, Madison Gesiotto Gilbert is a relatively unknown MAGA shill and inexperienced legislator with no record to run on.

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.@EmiliaSykesOH has worked tirelessly to help fund first responders so that they are adequately staffed and well trained to deal with violent crime on our streets. She supports first responders in all her work. 


Paid for by Emilia Sykes for Congress

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