This is a big step towards stopping drilling in the Arctic.
Friend — late last week, the Trump administration killed safeguards to protect against highly dangerous polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

PFAS is a class of nearly 5,000 chemicals that are widely used in consumer products because of their nonstick and waterproof properties. The Defense Department used PFAS for decades in firefighting foam.

The chemicals have contaminated drinking water across the United States and are linked to multiple health problems such as thyroid issues, birth defects and some cancers. They're called "forever chemicals" because they take thousands of years to degrade.

Negotiations over the spending bill were the last chance in 2019 to use must-pass legislation to address widespread concerns about PFAS contamination in ground and drinking water.

We have to work quickly. Pro-environment leaders in the House are working on another bill that would require the EPA to designate these chemicals as a hazardous substance.

The bill could receive a vote as soon as January, which means we need to raise hell now to have a shot at getting it to a vote.

The thing is, we're staring down the end of the year, and it's a major fundraising deadline here at LCV. What we can raise by the end of the year tells us just how big we can go with campaigns like this — and right now, we're still $52,000 away from our funding goal.

Can you make a year-end donation to LCV right now? Even $5 can help. Every gift will be triple-matched through December 31st »

PFAS have been found in drinking water across the country, with many families finding out they've been drinking toxic chemicals for decades. These chemicals are extremely persistent in the environment, and pollution continues long after the active contamination has stopped. Unbelievably, there is currently no required testing or cleanup, leaving families at risk.

Our allies in Congress were pushing a provision that would have set an EPA deadline for regulating two types of PFAS — perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) — in drinking water. They also wanted the two chemicals designated as hazardous under the Superfund law, which would have triggered cleanups.

But the Trump administration torpedoed any chance for a deal on PFAS so now we must be ready for a huge fight over these toxic chemicals in January.

We are organizing in a big way to get a bill passed that actually tackles the problem. But getting in this hyper-partisan environment, it isn't easy. We need your help.

We can win the fight over these extremely dangerous chemicals, but we need you with us. Please, please, please make a year-end contribution to the League of Conservation Voters today. Even $5 will help. And remember — every contribution will be triple-matched. »

Thank you for all your support.

LCV Rapid Response Team
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