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We're Pretty Excited!

The introduction of H.R. 8221 is cause for celebration, but we still have so much work to do! 

We won't be satisfied until every American has access to the IDs that they need for medical care, housing, social services, banking and all of the opportunities needed to live a full life. That's why we endorse candidates who understand the importance of our mission. 

If you're in Los Angeles, we've got a great opportunity for you to get involved and support two of our endorsed candidates. 

We hope that you can be there to support Caroline Menjivar and Lindsey Horvath on October 15th. 

If you'd like to hear about more ways that you can get involved, shoot us an email and we'd be happy to tell you all about how you can be a part of PIDAF and the #IDforID movement. 

-Kat, Marissa, and Jennifer
Support Lindsey and Caroline
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