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There’s no debating it: Biden will get billions in new Ukraine aid

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Sep 27, 2022 03:12 am

Tying it to a stop gap measure to keep the federal government from shutting down was a genius move.
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Walter Russell Mead and the ‘Vulcan’ straw man

By Paul R. Pillar on Sep 26, 2022 03:00 am

In his new book, the author and scholar dismisses the idea of an Israel lobby, but then fails to address evidence to the contrary.
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What’s Israel’s next move if the Iran nuclear deal fails?

By Robert E. Hunter on Sep 26, 2022 03:00 am

Without the JCPOA, war is clearly on the horizon, and it’s unclear whether there is a plan B.
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Biden trashes what remained of US One China policy, strategic ambiguity

By Michael D. Swaine on Sep 23, 2022 03:00 am

In pledging to defend Taiwan from any Chinese attack, the president has made war with China much more likely.
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Saudi lobbyist oversees millions in dark money GOP campaign donations

By Eli Clifton on Sep 22, 2022 03:00 pm

Experts question former Sen. Norm Coleman's role as both foreign agent for Riyadh and Republican fundraiser.
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Tick-tock: Putin escalation begins countdown of diplomacy clock

By Anatol Lieven on Sep 22, 2022 03:03 am

With news of possible annexation and potential use of nuclear weapons, Washington must put on the brakes and press for talks.
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Stop the escalatory ladder in Ukraine, we want to get off

By James Carden on Sep 21, 2022 05:26 am

Ukraine is asking for new 'security guarantees' from the West which will only ratchet up the spending and risk a nuclear spiral, say critics.
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