Since when are killers glorified at American universities?
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Berkeley Students Set Up Shrine to Palestinian Terrorists ([link removed]) Since when are killers glorified at American universities? Read ([link removed])
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How to Avoid Being Executed for Being Raped ([link removed]) How about having to pay off the rapist's family? Read ([link removed])
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NY Muslim Patrol Bullies Get Bullied Back by the Bloods ([link removed]) The patrol runs afoul of a violent street gang Read ([link removed])
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Former Extremists Frank Meeink and Tanya Joya: The Way Back ([link removed]) How does one really deradicalize? Watch ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Are Liberal Dems Holding Up Designating the Brotherhood as Terrorists? ([link removed])
“They are 'useful idiots.'"
- J.H.
Mother of San Bernardino Terrorist Fights Justice Dept. to Collect Cash ([link removed])
“He committed suicide by cop. You can't collect, but hey, go ahead and try, because there are many families that would sue you for damages if you win.”
- C.B.
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