Hi — It’s Betty, Brad’s wife.

I thought you’d like to see photos of some recent campaign events to understand better why Brad is crisscrossing our district to get his message out.

Brad and the entire team are working around the clock because the stakes are so high for our district, Wisconsin, and the country.

The Republicans are betting everything on a violent insurrectionist who is one of the most dangerous candidates running for Congress anywhere in America this year.

Brad’s rival is an extremist who wants a national abortion ban, to end affordable and accessible health care, and gut Medicare and Social Security for Wisconsin seniors.

The Republican candidate spouts out-of-touch talking points prepared and handed to him by extremists from radical groups outside of Wisconsin. He sold his soul to try and win this election.

Those are not our shared values here in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District. That’s why Brad is working hard to defend this seat. Brad understands what’s at stake this November — and he’s fighting for every woman, man, child, and hardworking family in our district.

Brad can’t do this without you.

While dark money groups and special interests are dumping sickening amounts of money into this race to prop up his opponent, Brad counts on dedicated grassroots supporters like you to get his message out.
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Brad Pfaff is running for Wisconsin's 3rd district, one of the most important districts to defend to protect our Democratic majority in the House! With Ron Kind retiring, Washington Republicans are pouring money into our extremist, insurrectionist opponent's coffers. We need a strong grassroots movement to fight back and defend this seat from the extremist, violent wing of the Republican party. Thank you for being on our team, we really appreciate you, team!
Email is an important way for us to keep supporters like you informed about Brad's campaign to protect our House majority! However, if you'd like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can request to get only the most important emails here, or you can unsubscribe.
Paid for by Pfaff for Congress

Pfaff for Congress
PO Box 3606
La Crosse, WI 54602
United States