All you have to do is tell them...
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Hey, friends,

Today I was driving down the road and saw this bumper sticker on the car in front of me. 


Now, if you know me, you know it took every ounce of energy to NOT get out of my car at the stoplight, tap on his window, and hand him my business card to invite him to the next TTP meeting!  I'm sure he must have been exercising his 2nd Amendment, God-given right, and I didn't want to startle him!

So instead I started thinking...

There are so many people like us... how do we reach them?
How do we let them know they are not alone?
How do we help them know they can do something more than put a bumper sticker on their car???

Who are these people?  Where do we find them?  Well, most of them are frustrated voters, right?  So I started wishing I had several hundred thousand dollars to send a letter to each R voter in the state.  Yeah, right!

Then I figured we could whittle that down and only do the 24 counties where we have satellite locations... and then whittle it down a lot further and only mail to the most consistent, top voters.  But guess what -- those top voters are often the Establishment Rs, and you know that's NOT our target audience.  I knew we needed to reach newer voters...  those only recently involved... maybe since Trump ran?  I just continued to think these thoughts to myself, wishing there was something that could be done. 

So when I got home I set to work and created a flyer.  No, we don't have the cash to mail it to voters, but we do have volunteers that often walk door-to-door, whether it be to their precinct or for a candidate.  Maybe some of our folks would be willing to print a flyer and include it when they walk.  Or maybe they'd pass it out at a Bible study, or at the National Night Out to neighbors, or at a business meeting.  Or... Or...

Who knows.  If y'all are as serious about building the army as I am, you'll figure it out!  Here's the flyer I created.  Click on the image to go to a pdf you can print.  door%20flyer.jpg

Notice there's a line at the bottom where you can write in the date and location for your local meetings.  If you aren't sure, just ask! 

Little by little we will build this army.  And we all know...


This was the very first motto for our group, way back in 2009.  It's as true today as it was then as it was in Samuel Adams' day. 

We can do this!
Julie McCarty, CEO

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