Hi friend, it’s Senator Gary Peters here. My friend, Carl Marlinga, is running to flip MI-10 blue, and this neck-and-neck race could determine whether or not Republicans take back the House.

Listen, I’ve run against Carl’s far-right opponent, John James, before. Beating him is no easy task, especially when GOP megadonors like Betsy DeVos are pouring dark money into his campaign. In 2020, my victory over James came down to less than 2 POINTS.

Carl just sent me the latest poll results from MI-10, and this election is shaping up to be just as close!

Defeating John James in 2020 was only possible because I had a powerful grassroots team behind me. So now I’m asking you to stand with me again: Please, will you split a $5 donation between Carl’s campaign and mine before 11:59 p.m. tonight so that we can flip MI-10 blue and hold onto our Democratic majorities?

You see, if we want to keep moving our country forward, we need to defend our House majority this fall – and that means winning tough races like Carl’s.

But Republicans are well aware that control of the House could come down to MI-10, and they’ve seen these new polling numbers too. You can bet that national Republicans and donors like Betsy DeVos will pour millions into buying this seat. Carl and I are counting on grassroots activists like you to fight back so that we can defend our House majority.

So please, can you split a $5 donation between our campaigns to help Carl defeat John James and defend our House majority? In a race this close, every single donation makes a difference!

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Thanks for your time,

Gary Peters



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Carl Marlinga,