Join us tonight!

Dear John,


Did you know that there are currently 175,000 people living in Jackson, Mississippi without access to clean water? People all across the city are unable to drink or bathe with the water in their homes. We are learning from organizers and leaders on the ground that today’s emergency is the result of decades-long infrastructural neglect by the state of Mississippi. This crisis in Jackson is hurting people of all ages, races, and identities, and we know that poor and low wealth people are bearing the most brutal toll. The Mississippi state government has the money and ability to tackle this crisis, but there is a lack of moral consciousness & moral action. The people of Jackson are calling on their elected leaders to act now! 


As we join local organizers in their push for immediate solutions, it is vital that we demand the state of Mississippi keep clean water public instead of making it private for the benefit of the wealthy. Clean water is a human right and we won’t be silent anymore! 


We urge you to join us tonight in Jackson, alongside Bishop William J. Barber II & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis – co-chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival – and demand Mississippi to “Free the Land, Clean the Water & Keep it Public.” 

Our Moral Monday March will gather at Mt. Helm Baptist Church at 4:00PM CT and begin at 4:30 PM CT.  A rally will follow at 5:30PM CT in downtown Jackson in front of the Governor’s Mansion. These events will be live streamed at, on Facebook @anewppc & on Twitter @UniteThePoor. Join us live & use hashtag #OurVotesAreDemands

Forward Together, Not One Step Back!


Poor People's Campaign Team